Roxborough Village Metropolitan District
The RVMD is a special district that is a governmental entity. The District is responsible for all facets of the maintenance and operation of parks, trails, open space and recreational facilities. It levies property taxes that pay for capital improvements, maintenance and operations.
Board of Directors

Calvin Brown, President

Debra Prysby, Vice President

Ronald E. Bendall, Secretary/Treasure

Ed Wagner, Asst. Secretary
For more information about the District, the Board, or any related questions, please go to the District’s website:
Visit District WebsiteDistrict Contact
Anna Jones, District Manager
8390 E. Crescent Parkway, Suite 300
Greenwood Village, CO 80111-2814
Phone: 303-793-1478
Fax: 303-779-0348
District Resources
- Anna Jones, District Manager, CliftonLarsonAllen
- Katie James, District Attorney, Fokestad Fazekas Barrick & Patoile, P.C.
- Scott Barnett, District Engineer, Mulhern MRE, Inc.
- Bill Barr, District Landscaper, METCO Landscape
Livable Cities Studio
Service: Landscape Architecture & Planning
- Todd Wenskoski
- Meredith Wenskoski
- Yishuen Lo
ArLand Land Use Economics
Service: Economic & Financial Analysis
- Arleen Taniwaki