Design Guidelines & Standards
Design Guidelines & Standards
To best reflect the natural context of RVMD and to build on the District’s brand of natural and rustic qualities, site furnishings should use and/or contain raw materials found in nature, such as wood and boulders The following are recommended character standards for various open space and park elements..
Trails & Paths
Trails and paths within the District should be ADA (American Disability Act) compliant. Trail surface materials, width, and grade should be designed to accommodate people of all ages and abilities.
The main trail should have concrete surface to match existing trails on site, and provide emergency vehicle access.

Provide signage and wayfinding to strengthen the District’s identity, and provide educational opportunities for residents to understand the unique ecological landscape in which they live.
Signage can help guide users throughout the open space system, and offer informational insights into the District’s fauna and flora. For example, provide information on the endangered species, Preble’s meadow jumping mouse living within the Little Willow Creek corridor.
Consider using raw materials, such as wood and boulders to align with the natural context.

A variety of seating exists throughout the District. Each park and open space has picnic tables and benches with inconsistent styles, colors, and materials.
Consistent seating and site furnishing can strengthen the District’s brand, and enhance human experience in the open space. A family of seating is recommended to provide a sense of place when people enter the parks.

Provide shade structure for gathering and areas to rest. Structure materials should align with the District’s brand and use wood or stone. Images here show options for rustic or modern character.

Native Plants
Due to Little Willow Creek’s designation as Riparian Conservation Zone by Douglas County, and the District’s proximity to the Rocky Mountains, the following plant species have been selected by their characteristics, water needs, wildlife attraction, and availability at local plant nurseries to ensure the District has access to them. The list is intended to be a selection of preferred plant species and not a comprehensive list of all plant material.
Plants selected for the riparian zone can withstand occasional water inundation after storm events.

Bottlebrush Sedge
Carex hystericina
Height: 3 feet
Width: 24 inches
Water Use: High
Exposure: Full Sun
Plant Type: Rush / Sedge

Nebraska Sedge
Carex nebrascensis
Height: 3 feet
Width: 30 inches
Water Use: High
Exposure: Full Sun
Plant Type: Rush / Sedge

Red Twig Dogwood
Cornus sericea var. coloradensis
Height: 10 feet
Width: 10 feet
Water Use: Medium
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade
Plant Type: Shrub

Drummond's Willow
Salix drummondiana
Height: 13 feet
Width: 13 feet
Water Use: High
Exposure: Part Shade
Plant Type: Shrub

Dewystem Willow
Salix irrorata
Height: 50 feet
Width: 50 feet
Water Use: High
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade
Plant Type: Tree

Water Birch
Betula occidentalis
Height: 35 feet
Width: 30 feet
Water Use: Medium or High
Exposure: Full Sun
Plant Type: Tree
Upland plants were selected based on their minimal water requirement, thus reducing the need for irrigation.

Amorpha canescens
Height: 3 feet
Width: 24 inches
Water Use: Low to Medium
Exposure: Full Sun
Plant Type: Shrub

Fragrant False Indigo
Amorpha nana
Height: 12 inches
Width: 24 inches
Water Use: Low to Medium
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade
Plant Type: Shrub

Littleleaf Mountain Mahogany
Cercocarpus intricatus
Height: 5 feet
Width: 4 feet
Water Use: Low to Medium
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade
Plant Type: Shrub

Yellow Rabbitbrush
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus
Height: 5 feet
Width: 5 feet
Water Use: Low to Medium
Exposure: Full Sun
Plant Type: Shrub

Western Sandcherry
Prunus pumila var. besseyi
Height: 6 feet
Width: 6 feet
Water Use: Low to Medium
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade
Plant Type: Shrub

Three-leaf Sumac
Rhus trilobata
Height: 7 feet
Width: 10 feet
Water Use: Low to Medium
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade
Plant Type: Shrub

One-Seed Juniper
Juniperus monosperma
Height: 23 feet
Width: 20 feet
Water Use: Low to Medium
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Shade
Plant Type: Tree

Black Chokecherry
Prunus virginiana
Height: 30 feet
Width: 20 feet
Water Use: Low to Medium
Exposure: Full Sun
Plant Type: Tree

Gambel Oak
Quercus gambelii
Height: 60 feet
Width: 60 feet
Water Use: Low
Exposure: Full Sun
Plant Type: Tree