Plan Overview
The Roxborough Village Master Plan serves as the guiding document for Roxborough Village Metropolitan District (“RVMD” or “District”)* . The ultimate purpose of developing the Master Plan is to outline the vision for the open space, parks and other areas that are within the responsibility of RVMD. The document also outlines recommendations and priorities that will provide for both the community’s enjoyment and the management of RVMD’s resources. The plan is advisory, only.
The master plan provides a conceptual planning framework for setting management priorities and provides direction for RVMD resources. The master plan also:
- Guides management of District assets related to open spaces, parks, programming, maintenance and operations.
- Provides a framework for maintaining and enhancing assets within RVMD. Serves as a guide for future budget allocations.
- Implementation of the Roxborough Village Master Plan will assist the RVMD Board in their efforts to maintain and enhance RVMD amenities for existing and future residents. The Board will use the master plan as a working document to evaluate implementation progress during board meetings and on an annually basis.
*”RVMD” or “District” refers to Roxborough Village Metropolitan District and its residents . “Community” refers RVMD residents as well as the broader community outside the District boundaries that call Roxborough area home.
Project Background
The District has been fairly isolated for the majority of its existence. Due to its geographic isolation, the District has enjoyed its quiet atmosphere as a foothill community. However, with the greater Denver metropolitan population growth and development expansion, two new master planned communities, Sterling Ranch and Solstice, will bring thousands of new residents and brand-new amenities to areas adjacent to the District. To stay proactive to the shifting market and to increase the overall market appeal of the District and community, the District initiated a planning process and started a community-wide conversation on how the District residents want to move forward and further enhance the District’s identity.

Brief Overview of Roxborough Village Metropolitan District
Formed in 1985, RVMD is a governmental entity that provides park and recreation, open space, and streetscape improvements and maintenance. Douglas County is responsible for street and drainage maintenance in RVMD. The District is governed by a Board of five Directors, elected by the residents of the District. The original developer formed the District to issue debt to pay for the District’s community’s streets, utilities, parks, and other infrastructure, improvements and maintenance.
Since its establishment in the mid-1980s, the District has refinanced its debt several times. The first refinancing came in 1993 after residential lot sales plummeted due to the real estate crash of the 1980s, forcing the District into bankruptcy. The next refinancing occurred in 2004 after the inclusion and development of Chatfield Farms. The final refinance occurred in 2014. The bonds will be fully paid off in December 2021. Residents have seen reductions in their property tax bills over time as tax revenue projections have allowed, and once the debt has been paid in full the debt service mill levy will be retired.
The Board is focused on improving the District’s parks, open space, and recreational opportunities, and was excited to hear how residents wanted the District to grow in the future through the Master Planning Process. Through the process, residents were asked if they would like to see additional amenities in the District, such as a pool or community center, improved parks, better pond access, and open space enhancements.